Version 0.40 (14 Oct 2003); size 463k; author Rick MurrayThis software is designed to import HTML files into Ovation Pro acting as a filter.
It attempts a reasonable reproduction of HTML import, including styles (bold, underline, etc), alignment (left, centre, right), headings, code types, ordered/un-ordered lists, preformatted text, etc... AND IMAGES! There are help and example files provided.
The latest stable version is 0.40. There is also an upgrade to beta version 0.41. You must have installed 0.40 before you can upgrade to 0.41.
Download OvHTML version 0.40Download the upgrade to OvHTML 0.41b2
version 3.04 (2001); size 10k; author David BreakwellMakeRTF is for the export of Ovation Pro documents as RTF. MakeRTF is a "trans" filter, not an applet, so the usual admonition, it is not supposed to go in the Applets folder but will do no harm if you do put it there.