Software for RISC OS


by Chris Johnson

All the files are zip archives, produced using David Pillings SparkFS, and may be extracted using SparkPlug, Spark, or SparkFS.

ABC graph A>B>C
A>B>C has moved to here.

energy icon Energy
(Version 2.02, 17 Feb 2022)

Demonstration of the following

  • Translational speed distributions and their variation with mass or temperature
  • Rotational energy level populations and the intensity of pure rotational spectra

Energy is 26/32-bit neutral and should run on RISC OS 3, 4, 5 and 6. It has been tested successfully on hardware such as ARMX6, IGEPv5, Titanium and Raspberry Pi running RISC OS 5.29.

Version 2 of !Energy is a complete rewrite in C, rather than the original compiled Basic (ABC).

You may download the following files, which are all zip archives.

  • Energy version 2.02, file length 186k

IsoMass icon IsoMass
(Version 1.32, 7 Nov 2002)

Calculates from a chemical formula the abundance of each of the isotopic masses and displays the data both as a listing and as a bargraph. This application is used in calculating isotopic distributions for mass spectrometry.

armv7ok.png - 1014 bytesIsoMass is 26/32-bit neutral and should run on RISC OS 3, 4, 5 and 6, and has also been tested successfully on the BeagleBoard (ARMv7/Cortex-A8/OMAP3 port) running RISC OS 5.17.

You may download the following files, which are all zip archives.

  • IsoMass version 1.32, file length 49k

icon MolWeight
(Version 1.33, 11 Nov 2002)

MolWeight calculates from a molecular formula the molecular weight, and also the mass of the compound corresponding to a selected number of millimoles. The percentage elemental composition can be displayed, and the user may also define their own groups for use in calculations. Formulae are entered in a way as near to the conventional method of writing formulae as is consistent with the standard WIMP interface.

armv7ok.png - 1014 bytesMolWeight is 26/32-bit neutral and should run on RISC OS 3, 4, 5 and 6, and has also been tested successfully on the BeagleBoard (ARMv7/Cortex-A8/OMAP3 port) running RISC OS 5.17.

You may download the following files, which are all zip archives.

Periodic icon Periodic
(Version 1.40, 4 Mar 2017)

A periodic table of the elements is shown in standard format. Clicking on any element opens a window showing various properties of the selected element. The range of properties includes electronic, thermodynamic, and physical.

armv7ok.png - 1014 bytesPeriodic is 26/32-bit neutral and should run on RISC OS 3, 4, 5 and 6, and has been tested successfully on IGEPv5 and iMX6 based hardware running RISC OS 5.23.

You may download the following files, which are all zip archives.

  • Periodic version 1.40, file length 128KB

pH is available from here.

function icon WaveFunc
(Version 1.11, 15 May 2011)

This application is a demonstration of the form of the wave functions for the first ten vibrational levels of a harmonic oscillator. You can also plot the square of the wave functions, or show the overlap of the wave functions for two vibrational levels.

armv7ok.png - 1014 bytesWaveFunc is 26/32-bit neutral and should run on RISC OS 3, 4, 5 and 6, and has also been tested successfully on the BeagleBoard (ARMv7/Cortex-A8/OMAP3 port) running RISC OS 5.17.

You may download the following files, which are all zip archives.

  • WaveFunc version 1.11, file length 97KB

Home page Software index
All comments and queries to Chris Johnson, the originator of these pages.
This page last modified on 17th February 2022