In general there are many internal changes to the code that improve performance and operation. The changes listed below only show additions or changes to functionality that are visible to the user.
Changes in SyncDiscs version 1.29
- Modify behaviour when a sync is running so that the SyncDiscs window can be opened to allow a new job to be queued. A select click on the iconbar icon will reopen the progress window if it is not open (as before) but if the progress window is open, the SyncDiscs main control window will be opened. Alternatively, if the progress window close icon is clicked with adjust while shift is held down, the syncdiscs main control window will open. It is therefore now possible to add further jobs to the queue manually from the syncdiscs window while a sync is in progress
- Now asks for confirmation if an attempt is made to quit while a sync job is still in progress
- It is now possible to add another path to the contents of the filepath fields using the popup menu with SHIFT held down
- Right click on iconbar icon now opens settings window
- Added option to iconbar icon menu to open settings window
- Added code to try to intercept unknown or unmounted drives on various filing systems or remote machines. The success or not varies depending on actual situation
- Increased range of times allowed in time stamp difference setting
- Added menu button to recall recent directories used in the scrap path field
- Added option to prevent ignored objects being deleted from secondary directory. Write ignored files in secondary into log file
- Fix: Verbose filer action option in settings window was not honoured
- Fix: Flex memory for lists of differences not released correctly if there was no difference when comparing two directories
Changes in SyncDiscs version 1.28
- Now remembers last 12 directories synchronised
- Fix to report of compare when more than one directory in primary field
Changes in SyncDiscs version 1.27
- Fix - two occurrences of possible erroring when used with a RISC OS 5 ROM with full zero page protection active (not in release versions of RISC OS 5 yet)
- Fix for possible buffer overrun when file leaf names are very long
- Shade/unshade possible contradictary settings in control window
- Save and load configuration files in Boot:Choices
- Now use ResFind to locate resources
- Better trapping and recovery from unexpected os errors, with more use of the error log file
- Added new setting option to increase information written to log file
Changes in SyncDiscs version 1.26
- Check for read only destination objects improved
- Command line invocation didn't honour quit and always multitasked
- Minor internal fixes and changes
Changes in SyncDiscs version 1.25
- Added filer action count to progress window
- Minor internal changes
Changes in SyncDiscs version 1.24
- Added 'job waiting count' to progress window
- Now accepts archive or zip files as primary or secondary directories
- Added 'Verbose' option for Filer_actions
- Ctrl-Shift drag to secondary directory field adds leafname automatically
- Added code for interactive help
- Increased range for 'ignore timestamp difference' to 5 hours
- Shade/Unshade number range settings according to state of option button for those range settings
- If secondary is on Fat32 medium, now checks files to be updated for Read Only access and sets access to RW (Fat32FS ignores the Force flag used by filecore)
Changes in SyncDiscs version 1.23
- SyncDiscs now has a unique filetype, allowing the complete details of any synchronisation to be saved to file. When this file is double clicked in a filer display, then the synchronisation is immediately run using all the stored values. A SyncDiscs job file (or selection of files) can also be dragged to SyncDiscs to start the job(s).
- SyncDiscs will now queue jobs, and process them in turn. Up to 20 jobs can be queued at any one time. New jobs can be queued while a synchronisation is already in progress.
- Checking for incompatibilities between dir paths improved
Changes in SyncDiscs version 1.22
- Status field in progress window showed garbage when a zip file was being ignored. Fixed
- Objects that will be ignored during a 'Sync' are now listed in the 'Compare' output listing
- When checking for open files - now checks whether file is open for read only, or write as well. If open for read only, then file can be copied
Changes in SyncDiscs version 1.21
- Select click on 'Save' in settings window now closes window
- Blank lines in the zone file are now ignored (previously a blank line was unintentionally treated as a 'super-wildcard' which matched anything)
- Now correctly saves 'auto open log' setting
- Added new user option: ignore filetype differences. This may be required when copying to a 'foreign' format device, using e.g. Fat32FS, when filetypes are controlled by the Mimemap file, and may change when copied.
Changes in SyncDiscs version 1.20
- This new version has seen major changes to the user interface of SyncDiscs. The most obvious change is that the user now has the option of running the synchronisation (or comparison) process in full multitasking mode. There are therefore a large number of 'under the bonnet' changes to support this, too numerous to list individually.