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Kanji Japanese fonts

By Gavin Crawford
An Ovation Pro applet to sorts the selected text into alphabetical order. The text can be sorted in ascending order (a-z) or in descending order (z-a).
By Gavin Crawford
An Ovation Pro applet to add crop marks around selected objects.
Kanji fonts
Graham Jones has produced a RISC OS version of the Wadalab kanji fonts, and this applet eases the management of using the fonts in Ovation Pro documents. There are two full font sets available, each is several MB in size. The Kanji applet and a subset of the font set is about 280 KB.
By Gavin Crawford
An Ovation Pro applet that adds a palette that allows the selected objects to be nudged into a new position, or resized, by use of arrow buttons. The amount the selected objects are nudged is adjustable from the Nudge palette. Short-cut key macros can optionally be configured to perform the nudging.
By Gavin Crawford
A StrongHelp manual providing descriptions to the resident functions of the script language that is integrated in Ovation Pro.
By Gavin Crawford
An Ovation Pro applet that allows new page sizes to be added to Ovation Pro's list of built-in sizes that are available from the New document and Page guidelines dialogue windows.
By Gavin Crawford
An Ovation Pro applet that allows objects to be cut or copied to the clipboard and pasted back into documents at the same x and y page position that they were in when originally cut or copied. PastePos also supports multiple clipboards.
By Gavin Crawford
An Ovation Pro applet to allow step and repeat object duplication with optional crop marks.
By Gavin Crawford
An Ovation Pro applet to link to URLs in Ovation Pro documents, such as web and email addresses.
By Gavin Crawford
The Wysiwyg applet allows fine adjustment to the ArtWorks WYSIWYG rendering level used in Ovation Pro documents. The level can be set to any value between 0 and 11 in 0.1 steps using a slider bar.

Gavin Crawford also includes some resources for Ovation Pro applet writers on his site.

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