Note - version 1.26 was the last version released by David Pilling.
Main changes in version 1.33
- Loading a PNG file sometimes failed if load was via RAM transfer from another application. Fixed
- URL launch code improved
Main changes in version 1.32.2
- Fix: Display of a 16bpp image could repeat the left hand two columns of pixels and lose the right hand two columns. This did not effect the actual image integrity.
Main changes in version 1.32
- Added popup menu to Select area info palette to insert previously saved values in to the aspect ratio writables for width and height. Added a button (Add) to add values of aspect ratio to the popup menu.
- Now autoscales image when dragged in to an already open window
- When auto-zooming ensure there is sufficient extra area in window to accommodate the tool pane and info palette without permanently hiding part of the image
Main changes in version 1.31
- Added code to autoscale image on first load
- Added config options to control autoscale
- Added code to auto set page size on first load
- Added config options to control page setup
- Added code to assert minimum size of window when auto-scaling
- Added code to check file headers for png, gif, bmp and jpeg on load (png crashed horribly if it wasn't actually a valid png file)
Main changes in version 1.30
- Changes to various memory management functions to allow operation on hardware with 4GB of RAM, when all of which is accessible to RISC OS, such as the 4GB RaPi4
- Exif metadata in jpeg images (if present) can now be analysed. The analysis occurs if a jpeg file is dragged to the iconbar icon with Control held down (simple output) or Control+Shift held down (Verbose output)
- Added option to Sprite configure dbox to add spr file extension
- Added option to Draw configure dbox to add file extension. Dbox also contains option to set extension to either drw or aff
- Changes to Scale dialogue to shade/unshade icons depending on which action is selected, and whether 'lock aspect ratio' is selected. Two new option buttons added to make operation clearer
Main changes in version 1.29
- Histogram levels setting can now be set and saved in Choices
- The Select area tool now allows a fixed aspect ratio to be set, so that drags are constrained to maintain the set aspect ratio
- The previous values of the 'Resize to' width and height are retained when the Edit-Scale dialogue is reopened
- Added option to automatically append correct filetype extension to the filename when exporting images
- Several of the dialogues have been modified to respond to tab and Shift-tab key for movement between fields
- Zoom to screen now takes account of window furniture
- The Select area tool sometimes forgot the area settings when moving between tools - fixed
- Save action (from file menu) now split into two parts
- Save which always refers to original file and file type
- Save as which allows filetype to be changed and file saved in a different location. This option has essentially the same functionality as the earlier save option
- Added option to auto-add file extension to filename when changing filetype
- Added option to auto-add drw and spr filetype extension (useful when inter-operating with e.g. OPro for Windows)
Main changes between versions 1.28 and 1.26
- Now loads RISC OS 5 new sprite format 16 and 32 bpp sprite files produced on the latest hardware (IGEPv5 and Titanium) having the order of colours reversed (RGB rather than BGR)
- Available page sizes increased to allow eg DSLR images of more than 10 Mp to be viewed at full rational scale
- The EOR colour used to display the selected area rectangle can be changed to aid visibilty on images with certain colour combinations
- Now saves application choices in Boot:Choices rather than within the application
- Web button added to application info window
- Manual has been added, based closely on the original printed version of the manual