Software for RISC OS

All the files are zip archives, produced using David Pillings SparkFS, and may be extracted using SparkPlug, Spark, or SparkFS.

(Version 0.239D, 21 May 1996)

MoleDraw is an object based drawing program orientated towards producing diagrams of chemical structures. It allows you to easily draw pictures of molecules which can then be exported as Draw files to other applications.

You may download the following files, which are all zip archives.

  • MoleDraw version 0.239D, file length 340k

(Version 2.7.1/1.40b)

RasMol is a molecular graphics program intended for the visualisation of proteins, nucleic acids and small molecules. The program is aimed at display, teaching, and generation of publication quality images.

32bit.gif - 506 bytesVersion RISC OS 1.40b (27-Nov-02) is now 26/32-bit neutral and runs on the Iyonix as well as earlier versions of RISC OS.iyonix.gif - 366 bytes

The RISC OS port is by Martin Wuerthner. Check the MW Software pages for the latest news, following the 'Freeware' tab.

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All comments and queries to Chris Johnson, the originator of these pages.
This page last modified on 20th May 2011.